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Know your skin type

Our Skin is a living organism that is constantly under threat and being damaged by ever-changing environments. Throughout our lifetime our skin type will change, and react to certain factors, such as chemical use, using artificial and synthetic oils, diet, life style, weather , artificial lighting ,sun damage, pregnancy and of course age.

Your skin can even change between season , this is usually obvious as we change from summer to autumn/winter as we crank up heating .Your skin can also without warning become sensitive at any time,to certain products or materials you have used without problem in the past.

Did You Know...? that up to 60% of what you apply on the skin can be absorbed.

We are now all aware of what we eat and the effects it has on our everyday lives, so we now need to think about natural skin care products too. The skin is the largest body organ, which is why we recommend you try using natural SLS free Shower gels & Handwash products.

Men and Women are now using over 15 skin care products daily. Using Paraben free creams & lotions and Cold Pressed oils  limits the amount of artificial & toxic chemicals your skin absorbs. Start today buy trying our paraben and glycol free creams

To identify what is best for this delicate organ you must know your skin type and use the correct oils.
Skin types usually fall into these categories: 
    * Dry 
    * Oily 
    * Combination (a combination of dry and oily) 
    * Sensitive 
    * Problem 
    * Dehydrated (not to be confused with dry) 
    * Mature or aging 
Dry Skin: will feel tight and on times sore , is can be prone to fine lines and will age quicker. Some dry skins can become flaky and can irritate causing a burning sensation, often presenting problems in extreme hot and cold weather.

Oily Skin - Oily skin usually appear oily or greasy and will usually show signs of larger or open pores. Oily skins can be prone to spots and black heads and may have previously suffered with acne however oily skin does age slower than other skin types. 

Combination skin - Combination skin is a skin which has a two types - an area where the skin appears and feels very greasy and another area that can be dry,this is usually the T zone, the forehead nose and chin is oily and the checks are dry .Did you know..that if you have combination skin it can be beneficial to use make up for oily skin on T-zone and use make up for dry skin on outer area. 
Dehydrated skin - is not the same as dry skin, dehydrated is skin that appears creased sore and sometimes flaky, it can effect all skin types and is usually is a result of too much sun, environmental damage lack of hydration and moisture and too much alcohol! 
Sensitive Skin - can be anything from skin that is very sore to dry problems to skin that reacts badly to certain chemicals, allergens or solutions. It can flare up under stress and sometimes is associated with skin complaints such as eczema. 
Mature and aging skin - We will eventually all experience this type of skin. Fine lines appear around eyes,mouth and forehead. Many factor speed up the process including sun damage, sun beds, smoking and diet. 

All the above does not just apply to face but other parts of the skin such as neck, chest and hands. 
Which oils should you use.
Dry.. Try
Essential oil of chamomile, lavender essential oil , geranium, rose, neroliylang ylang, jasmine and frankincense  

Cold pressed carrier oils -sweet almond, jojoba, avocado, wheatgerm, evening primrose, borage, apricot and peach,melon seed oil

Essential oils of - lavender, geranium, cedarwood, bergamot, tea tree, cypress, juniper berry, palmarosa, myrtle, mandarin, petitgrain, niaouli.  

Cold pressed carrier oils - jojoba, grapeseed, sweet almond,rosehip carrot seed infused oil,calendula, 

 Combination... Try 
 Essential oils of  - lavender and geranium, palmarosa, chamomile, rose,neroli, mandarin, petitgrain and frankincense;

Cold pressed carrier oils -  sweet almond,argan,jojoba, apricot kernel and evening primrose oil,macadamia nut oil,hazel nut oil,rosehip seed oil

 Problem Skin Try... 
 Essential oils of - lavender, geranium, chamomile, tea tree, palmarosa, mandarin, bergamot, cedarwood, cypress and juniper berry; 

Cold pressed carrier oils - jojoba, grapeseed, sweet almond,hemp seed oil,neem oil, and carrot-seed oil,calendula,rosehip 

 Sensitive Try.. 
 Essential oils of-  lavender, geranium, rose,neroli, mandarin, petitgrain and frankincense; 

Cold pressed carrier oils - sweet almond, jojoba, calendula,avocado oil,hemp seed oil, evening primrose oil.

Dehydrated Try 
 Essential oils of  - chamomile, lavender, geranium, rose, jasmine, and frankincense; 

 Cold pressed  carrier oils - sweet almond, jojoba, avocado, rosehi,borage,wheatgerm, evening primrose, borage, apricot and peach kernel oils 

 Essential oils - chamomile, lavender, geranium, tea tree patchouli, palmarosa, rosewood, sandalwood, frankincense and rose; 

Cold pressed carrier oils - argan,sweet almond, jojoba, avocado, wheatgerm, borage seed oil,macadamia,baboa,plum evening primrose,rosehip seed oil, borage, apricot and peach kernel oils 



Essential Oil Safety

The information contained throughout our website is for general information purposes only.

Products sold are for symptomatic relief only, and are not to be used or considered as a cure or in place of any current medication you have been prescribed by your GP.

Always check suitability of any product before using if you have a medical condition, or taking any prescription medications, pregnant or breast feeding. Please read all product usage and safety instructions thoroughly.  

Diabetics should be advised to check with health professional before using any products of feet.

You should not use the information found throughout our website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or condition. You should always speak with your GP or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement.

Always apply a test patch on skin before applying any oil,cream or lotion ...even if you have used the product in the past.

NEVER apply undiluted essential oils directly to the skin except in an emergency; such as to cuts, burns or insect bites,and this only applies to certain essential oils.A single drop of undiluted Lavender, Tea Tree or Chamomile Roman oil can be used to soothe and protect from infection - but you should only apply them neat once or twice.

Some people can become sensitized to neat Tea Tree oil if it is applied repeatedly.

Undiluted essential oils should be kept away from the eye areas. Keep essential oils out of reach of unattended children and pets. Avoid contact with clothes and polished surfaces.

And never, ever, use undiluted oils on children under the age of 3..


If you are pregnant you must seek the advice from your doctor, midwife or aromatherapist before using any essential oils. Once your doctor has given approval they should be used only after the first trimester, and then at only a 1% concentrationon, half the normal strength. It is also a good idea to seek the advice from your supplier or qualified aromatherapist to ensure that the essential oils you want to use are not contraindicated during pregnancy.

Essential oils best avoided throughout your pregnancy include

 • Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) 

• Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)

• Sage (Salvia officinalis)

• Savin oil (Juniperus sabina) -



Essential oils should be used at a fraction of the usual concentration, and the correct procedure is to calculate the amount of essential oil to be used by the body-weight of the infant:

• 1 to 2 stones - 1 drop of essential oil

• 2 to 4 stones - 2 or 3 drops of essential oil

• 4 to 6 stones - 4 or 5 drops of essential oil

Adult dosage

Normal recommendations for dilutions of essential oils
You can use up to 5 different essential oils (but up to 3 is ideal when home blending)Add up to 5 drops to 10ml of carrier oil,base cream or lotion,2-3 drops if skin is sensitive.
When bathing use 3-5 drops and agitate water well before entering bath water.
Only ever use 2-3 drops of any citrus oil for bathing.


Some essential oils are mild photo sensitizing and should be either avoided or really used at a low level prior to sunbathing and it is recommended that you avoid direct sunlight or sunbeds  for up to 6 hours after use.

• Angelica root oil (Angelica archangelica)

 • Bergamot oil expressed (Citrus aurantium ssp. bergamia)

• Bitter Orange oil (Citrus aurantium)

• Cumin oil (Cuminum cyminum)

• Lemon oil cold pressed (Citrus limonum)

• Lime oil expressed (Citrus aurantifolia)

• Tagette oil (Tagetes minuta) Irritants

 Some essential oils can irritate the skin if used in too high a concentration or for a long period of time. The essential oils below represent the most commonly known among this group.

 • Bay Leaf oil (Pimenta racemosa)

• Cinnamon bark oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

• Clove oils (stem, leaf, bud) Syzygium aromaticum

• Litsea Cubeba aka May Chang oil (Litsea cubeba)

• Origanum oil (Origanum vulgar)

• Tagette oil (Tagetes minuta)

• Thyme white and red oil (Thymus vulgaris)

• Use no more than 3 or 4 drops of citrus oils in the bath since some may irritate sensitive skin.

Some essential oils should not be used in aromatherapy due to the danger of toxicity, severe irritation, sensitisation or other serious health risk. Most responsible aromatherapy suppliers do not offer such oils, but those listed below do find their way onto the market(especially at very low prices on market places) and should only be used by those have undergone the necessary specialist training.

• Parsley herb oil (Petroselenium crispum)

 • Pennyroyal oil (Mentha pulegium) • Savin oil (Juniperus sabina) • Tansy oil (Tanacetum vulgare)

 • Wintergreen oil (Gaultheria procumbens)

 • Wormwood oil (Artemisia absinthium)


Anyone who has history of epilepsy should avoid the essential oils below and caution should be taken when using other essential oils, always check with your GP or health professional if you are unsure.

  • Eucalyptus
  • Fennel
  • Hyssop
  • Pennyroyal 
  • Rosemary
  • Sage

Other medical complaints.

Hypertension (High Blood pressure)

Although essential oil and massage can help lower blood pressure there are some oils that should NOT be used.

  • Hyssop
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint
  • Sage
  • Thyme



Many essential oils are flammable, so never use or put your bottles of essential oil near a naked flame, fire, or any source of ignition.

If you are unsure of any product or need further advice please feel free to contact us.

The information contained throughout our listings is for general information purposes only.

All our products sold are for symptomatic relief only, and are not to be used or considered as a cure or in place of any current orthodox medication you have been prescribed by your GP.
It is advised that you always check suitability of any product before using any of our essential oil products if you have a medical condition, are taking any prescription medications pregnant or could be pregnant or breast feeding.
Please read all product usage and safety instructions thoroughly.

You should not use the information found throughout our listings for diagnosing or treating a health problem or condition.

Always apply a test patch on skin before applying any oil.





Aromadermatology. Aromatherapy in the treatment and care of common skin conditions'. 2006, Oxford, Radcliffe Publishing.