No faff skin care routine

No faff skin care routine

You've decided to take your skincare routine seriously, but have no idea where to start.  A trip to the skincare aisle or browsing online can be overwhelming,  just looking at all those products is confusing, so you stick with that one pot of Nivea, which is fine, Nivea is great, but I imagine you went to the skincare aisle looking for a serum, vitamin C, cleanser, a foam cleanser an oil and a toner, those little capsule things you saw IG!

Keeping your routine simple will avoid overwhelming your skin. Plus, limiting your skincare routine can help you save money and avoid waste.

The first rule of skin care, is keep it simple, and follow 4 steps.

Cleansing — Washing your face. 

Toning — Balancing the skin.

Moisturizing — Hydrating and softening the skin


The next step on your road to building a skincare ritual is determining your skin type. Different skin types have varying needs.  One easy way to determine your skin type is to observe your skin throughout the day. Is your skin shiny and oily by midday, do you find your skin is dry but your nose and forehead is oily ? 

Skin types fall into four groups 

Oily skin: Skin that looks shiny due to an overproduction of oil.

Dry skin: Skin with dry and flaky areas that may feel tight.

Sensitive skin: Skin with red and irritated areas that are typically painful to the touch.

Combination skin: Skin that has a combination of oily and flaky areas.

Once you’ve determined your skin type, narrow down which products to look for, and which ones to avoid. Many products will indicate on their label what sort of skin type they target, making it easy to find products that’ll work for you, but one simply rules makes it easy to remember apply in order of consistency from thinnest to thickest. 


A cleanser removes the dirt, oil and any bacteria that builds up throughout the day and night. This first step in your routine is vital. Cleansing your face will help you start or end your day with clean skin. After cleansing your face and neck it will be free of dirt and grime and your skin will benefit from the products you apply next.

Those with acne prone skin should look for products that are Non-Comedogenic.

What does non-comedogenic mean? A non-comedogenic product it shouldn’t clog pores or trigger acne — either by closing pores or blocking glands or irritating the hair follicle.


Toners have changed so much in the last 20 years. In the mid 80s toning would mean applying a strong alcohol-based astringent to your face. 

 Toners should be light, a thin gentle liquid. Toners are designed to deliver that extra shot of nutrient and hydration to the skin. Start with a pure Rosewater to calm irritation and reduce redness. If your skin is sensitive or dry avoid products that contain witch hazel. 

Applying toner with clean hands is the most efficient. Just pour a few drops in your palm, then swipe it on, that's it, easy 


This where it might get a bit tricky, but it’s doable Every skin needs moisture, but the texture of your moisturizer will differ depending on your skin type.

Normal skin, lucky you! most classic moisturisers and lotions will suit your skin, water or oil based, both will absorb well.

Dry skin, heavier creams or oil-based creams are needed to ensure maximum absorption. 

Inflamed, sensitive very dry. This is when I will always recommend a pure fruit oil, such as Rosehip, rich in vitamins A or Jojoba oil.

Your skin needs moisture to replenish the water it loses throughout the day. Even if you have oily or combination skin, it’s still important to moisturise. In fact, a lack of moisture can drive your skin to produce more oil in order to compensate for this loss, which may lead to clogged pores and breakouts.


Never ever skip this stage.

This is the one product that will stop your skin ageing and more importantly, daily sunscreen use can help to prevent the formation of certain skin cancers.

Many moisturisers and foundations now contain SPF, making it easy for you to get the sun protection you need without buying more products, however please make sure the formula you buy contains board-spectrum SPF 30 or higher.

Now you've chosen all your products it’s time to put it all together and practice your daily ritual.

Your beauty time should be a time to connect with yourself, a time to feel and notice any changes to your skin. Before you sleep take some time to practice a your night time ritual and send #love to the world + find gratitude for your day.

Remember skin doesn’t change overnight, noticeable results will usually take at least six to eight weeks. This is approximately the amount of time it takes your skin to complete the cycle of renewing Once this cycle is complete, you can begin to see the impact of the products you’ve been using and maybe start adding additional products like masks, peels and serums.

Check out our Face Protocol Box which includes all the right products and ingredients to help you start your waterless journey to nourish and conditioned skin

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